
The goal of Mycelial-Network is to be an online digital sign post that points in the direction of many organizations and people, to allow further connection. To post all kinds of fungi related content and get people further connected. To link up.

Currently, Mycelial-Network is ran by a one man shop,

Ran by Me, Duke, as the Editor and Writer. My Background is not important, but the information and truth is. If you’re curious, I am a Navy and Army Veteran, I worked as a Nuclear Electronics Technician in the Submarines, a Biomedical Equipment Technician, and a Manufacturing Technician in the Research and Development at a fortune 500 Tech Company. My main hobbies include artistic expression, creativity, writing, shadow work, logomancy, and Neurolinguistics Programming. I have a sort of personal stake in Mushrooms as they’ve helped me to help myself and save my life in some dark narrow times, so I’m volunteering in service to spread a Mycelial Network for a brighter world. I’m pretty well versed in traditional logic, reality, super-reality, and esotericism.

-I’m on Instagram as well @Duke_of_words

And in the future, there will be guest writers.

Hopefully other people see the vision and join aboard in helping make this digital signpost or ‘way station’.

So if you want to submit an article or content or help out, hit us up, or check out the discord.

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